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MOCEAN. A film by Chris Bryan from Chris Bryan on Vimeo.   I love filming in the ocean more than anything, its not just a job, its a...

Sal - Cap Verde


If you are a long runs in turquoise water windsurfer enthusiast, the feet holds in the footstraps, if you are mad about Kitesurf, if you are mad about wind or eager of surfing sessions in waves unrolling to perfection, if you like sporting fishing or the diving, Sal island is the destination of your next holidays!

Largely served by Trade winds from November to April, Sal became since the middle of the Eighties an universally famous Windsurf destination. The weather is fine all the year and the temperature of the ocean remains pleasant, even in winter when one sails, in the worst case, with a shorty.

The variety of its “spots” made Cap Verde a destination estimated by any type of windsurfers and, more recently, by Kitesurfers. You have the choice : draw from large freeride edges or practice Freestyle in Santa Maria bayor Murdeira, practice Kitesurf in the bay or in Cabeza de Salinas, send jumps on the quiet waves of Leme Bedje point or Sino, go surfing in the more serious waves of Rife or Canoa… Each one finds on Sal a spot with its measurement.

But Sal also became in little time a place recognized for the exceptional quality of the famous wave of Ponta Preta revealed to the public by the Windsurf magazines through a competition which proceeded there in the Nineties, “Windsurf Trilogy”, joining together the best waveriders of the world. Since then, someone are falling in love with the country and this incredible wave, and settle here, like the windsurfers Josh Angulo or Renaud Simhon.

With a little chance, during your stay, you will have certainly the occasion to meet in the club or in the hotel Morabeza other figures such as Bjorn Dunkerbeck, 13 times Windsurf,Champion of the World, Raphaël Salles, the Kitesurf emblematic instigator in France, or Manu Bertin, discoverer of Kitesurf and eternal keen traveler.

They chose to come to train or test material on the Sal island. Now you know why!

It is for all these good reasons that PLANET Windsurfing also decided to land its 2 Clubs there, one on the splendid beach of Santa Maria, a few meters from the sea, and the other towards the Leme Bedje point.

Equip each year with new material, the center Planet Morabeza is provided with 30 boards FANATIC 2004 and 50 gréements NORTH 2004. Considered for its professionalism and its adapted councils, you will find to club PLANET the adequate price, according to what you seek : hiring or train of Windsurf or Kitesurf, storage, surfari in the waves, surfing… Inform you at Turquoise Surfing Travel.
We are ready to greet you, your material is already rigging!

For more information and obtain the prices Consult our French pages
Do not hesitate to contact Philippe & Jean-Christophe by E-mail:
Or by telephone: 00 33 491 13 94 82 // 00 33 683 83 12 75